Online Class 101 #Pixton : The Comic Maker


Pixton the Comic Maker 

Hello and good afternoon everyone. Its been a while since the last time i posted about the  google keep . Have you try it ? I am very glad if you guys have tried and enjoy it. So this time i would like to introduce one of the website that are very interesting to be use and it is also very enjoyable because we can be creative in it. 

This website have been introduced by my lecturer, it is part of the tools that we use to complete our assignment. The best thing about "Pixton" is we can create our own avatar and dress up the avatar however  you like its all up to you!. Other than that, you also can meet your friends virtually by joining the class in pixton. All you need is clicks on the link that have been shared by the distributor and you will instantly enter the class. 

This is my class photo in pixton 

so here is some of the features that can be found in the pixton website

  1. Can create comic strips as much as you like
  2. Can create storyboards
  3. Can create graphic Novels 
  4. It also allows experienced comic makers to create portfolios or for assignment purpose
  5. Pixton offers a basic account which is free of charge 
  6. The user can choose either want to use the basic mode or advanced basic mode. 
I think that is all for today sharing session, i do hope that this posting today can be helped for other students out there. 

Personal Reviews : ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5)
Link Website :pixton website
Source :pixton medium
